The is how to patch these binaries without recompiling or when source code is not available
perl -pe 's/\x{00}\x{30}\x{93}\x{e4}/\x{00}\x{30}\x{93}\x{e5}/g;s/\x{00}\x{30}\x{d3}\x{e4}/\x{00}\x{30}\x{d3}\x{e5}/g;' < old_ios_binary > old_ios_binary_patched
chmod +x old_ios_binary_patched
ldid -s old_ios_binary_patched
mv old_ios_binary old_ios_binary_original
mv old_ios_binary_patched old_ios_binary
If you have gnu sed in iOS or OS X, you can patch directly without the temp file in one step
sed -i'' 's/\x00\x30\x93\xe4/\x00\x30\x93\xe5/g;s/\x00\x30\xd3\xe4/\x00\x30\xd3\xe5/g;' old_ios_binary
ldid -s old_ios_binary
iphone-gcc patched package for iPhone 5 / iPad 4 is here