Monday, May 2, 2011

XCode 4 Template

The new Xcode 4 cannot use the old Xcode 3 templates. There are a few changes

1. Template folder location
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates

mkdir -p ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates

2. The Templates are in folders like

iPad Base.xctemplate, iPhone Base.xctemplate, Cocoa Touch Application.xctemplate
View-based Application.xctemplate Window-based Application.xctemplate

3. The Ancestors, Definitions and Options are defined in TemplateInfo.plist

4. To add files in the Template, you should define them in Definitions like

          <string>My Classes</string>
          <string>My Classes</string>
<!-- excluded in targets -->
<!-- Other definitions here -->

Also define in Nodes

<!-- Other nodes here -->

5. To add build stage for existing Target

            <string>ls -l</string>
<!-- Other targets here -->

6. Add New Target

<!-- Default target here -->
          <string>My Target for ___PACKAGENAME___</string>
            <string>ls -l</string>

For ShellScript, please use html codes like these

&lt; <
&gt; >
&amp; &


Sunday, May 1, 2011