What you need to do is to create a new project from OpenGL ES Application of iPhone OS 3.0 SDK template called it BluetoothSample
and past the codes as below and test, it should work on 2 iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2nd gen only.
Then you need to add GameKit framework to build and go
The source is from Travis True
- BluetoothSampleAppDelegate.h Select all
// BluetoothSampleAppDelegate.h
// BluetoothSample
#import "EAGLView.h"
#import <GameKit/GameKit.h>
@interface BluetoothSampleAppDelegate : NSObject{
UIWindow *window;
EAGLView *glView;
GKPeerPickerController *picker;
GKSession *session;
int myNumber;
NSData *myData;
UILabel *textView;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet EAGLView *glView;
@property (nonatomic, retain) GKPeerPickerController *picker;
@property (nonatomic, retain) GKSession *session;
- (void)mySendData;
- BluetoothSampleAppDelegate.m Select all
// BluetoothSampleAppDelegate.m
// BluetoothSample
#import "BluetoothSampleAppDelegate.h"
@implementation BluetoothSampleAppDelegate
@synthesize picker;
@synthesize session;
@synthesize window;
@synthesize glView;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
// setup the text view
myNumber = 0;
textView = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10.0f, 10.0f, 640.0f, 12.0f)];
textView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"myNumber: %i\n", myNumber];
[window addSubview:textView];
[window bringSubviewToFront:textView];
// start the EAGLView
glView.animationInterval = 1.0 / 60.0;
[glView startAnimation];
// allocate the NSData
myData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&myNumber length:sizeof(int)];
// allocate and setup the peer picker controller
picker = [[GKPeerPickerController alloc] init];
picker.delegate = self;
picker.connectionTypesMask = GKPeerPickerConnectionTypeNearby | GKPeerPickerConnectionTypeOnline;
[picker show];
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application {
glView.animationInterval = 1.0 / 5.0;
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
glView.animationInterval = 1.0 / 60.0;
- (void)peerPickerController:(GKPeerPickerController *)picker didSelectConnectionType:(GKPeerPickerConnectionType)type {
if(type == GKPeerPickerConnectionTypeOnline) {
[self.picker dismiss];
[self.picker release];
self.picker = nil;
// Display your own UI here.
- (GKSession *) peerPickerController:(GKPeerPickerController *)picker
sessionForConnectionType:(GKPeerPickerConnectionType)type {
session = [[GKSession alloc] initWithSessionID:@"FR" displayName:nil sessionMode:GKSessionModePeer];
session.delegate = self;
return session;
- (void)session:(GKSession *)session peer:(NSString *)peerID didChangeState:(GKPeerConnectionState)state {
switch (state) {
case GKPeerStateConnected:
[self.session setDataReceiveHandler :self withContext:nil];
[self mySendData]; // start off by sending data upon connection
case GKPeerStateDisconnected:
- (void)peerPickerController:(GKPeerPickerController *)picker didConnectToPeer:(NSString *)peerID {
printf("connection was successful! start the game.\n");
- (void)peerPickerControllerDidCancel:(GKPeerPickerController *)picker {
printf("connection attempt was canceled\n");
- (void)mySendData {
// allocate the NSData
myData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&myNumber length:sizeof(int)];
[session sendDataToAllPeers :myData withDataMode:GKSendDataReliable error:nil];
printf("send data: %i\n", myNumber);
textView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"myNumber: %i\n", myNumber];
- (void) receiveData:(NSData *)data fromPeer:(NSString *)peer inSession: (GKSession *)session context:(void *)context
// Read the bytes in data and perform an application-specific action, then free the NSData object
[data getBytes:&myNumber length:sizeof(int)];
printf("received data: %i from: %s\n", myNumber, [peer UTF8String]);
textView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"myNumber: %i\n", myNumber];
[self mySendData];
- (void)dealloc
[picker release];
[session release];
[textView release];
[glView release];
[window release];
[super dealloc];