Thursday, January 29, 2009

How to skip provisioning profile for iPhone SDK 2.2.1 (build 9M2621a)

The trick to skip provisioning profile for iPhone SDK 2.1.1 (build 9M2621a) still works

Just backup and edit the file and add the magic words as shown below highlighted in red color


Info.plist:Select all



Please remember to restart your Xcode after the amendment above.

For MobileInstallation patch, please use my package (updated to support firmware 2.2.1) as posted here

Related articles from this blog


  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to use build and go with my iphone, but I just can't get it to work :(
    I did what you wrote in this post, installed your mobileinstallation patch, downloaded a new app from appstore, launched it, then rebooted, but I still get the security policy error.
    Can you help me with that?


  2. Did you use my XCode Template here to start a new project ?

  3. Thaks for the reply. I do not use those templates, I'd like to use the original ones (because I'm new to iPhone development and I'm following some tutorials, that require me to use those templates)
    However, I figured that I was the looser, cause I set SignerIdentitySignerIdentity property in the info.plist (duplicate) and everything is working now.

    Thanks for the great articles!

  4. where do I find the key to use vfdecrypt with this version? I saw another article that only goes up to 2.0

  5. Thanks for this javacom, i enjoy following your blog. Btw how would one go about this procedure if they have legitimate certificates, but want to use them on a jailbroken iphone?

  6. Hi,

    Is it possible to compile an iPhone App on one mac and the codesign it on another mac before submitting to the App Store? I need this so that I can develop Apps for my customers without giving them the source code.

  7. Hi everything works fine, except opening the application on my iphone.
    I got this message in Xcode:
    CodeSign warning: provisioning is not applicable for product type 'Application' in SDK 'Device - iPhone OS 2.2.1'; ignoring...

    When I go to the release directory I see icon is blocked...
    Maybe this is the reason why it wont open on my iphone? Please help me.

  8. Hello,

    So I've used your View-Based Application template, and have installed the MobileInstallation patch/rebooted.

    However, anytime I try and build and go to the iPhone I get the following error.

    "Error starting executable - No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected."

    I'm 100% certain the the phone is connected. Any idea what the issue is?

  9. If you have this error message
    CodeSign warning: provisioning is not applicable for product type 'Application' in SDK 'Device - iPhone OS 2.2.1

    That means you iPhone SDK must upgrade to 2.2.1 to match with your iPhone OS

    If you have this error message
    Error starting executable - No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected."

    That means you have to disconnect your iPhone from your Mac, reboot iPhone (home+sleep for 10 seconds) and connect it to USB again

  10. For CodeSign warning: provisioning is not applicable for product type 'Application' in SDK 'Device - iPhone OS 2.2.1 :

    goto Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/ here entre in folder same version for exemple 2.2 and turn ...._REQUIRED value into NO ,save it

  11. i am working on the iPod 2.2 gen 1 i followed the instruction but the app is there on the dock of the iPod but when i click and launch it says the app cannot be launched can u tell the error which could be there

  12. In response to subtle perceptions said

    For the error "the app cannot be launched"

    You have to do
    (1) Install a free app from App Store in iPhone
    (2) Launch that free app and then close it
    (3) Reboot your iPhone
    (4) build & go again from your XCode and test your app again.

  13. For the error "the app cannot be launched"

    You have to do
    (1) Install a free app from App Store in iPhone
    (2) Launch that free app and then close it
    (3) Reboot your iPhone
    (4) build & go again from your XCode and test your app again.
    i tried this but this also didnt work the free app launched i rebuild my app. but that is still not working. I am using iPod touch 2.2 firmware

  14. Did you use my XCode Template here ?

    You need to add this key in Info.plist of your project.

    <string>Apple iPhone OS Application Signing</string>

  15. i using default Xcode profile in that i am adding the

    (string)Apple iPhone OS Application Signing(/string)

    please replace '(' by '<' and ')' by '>'

    but still not working ? any reason y ?

  16. Do you have an idea how to get this working with iPhone SDK 3.0 and Xcode 3.1.3? I can't get it working, Xcode's complaining that there's no certificate for com.yourcompany.[appname]... :-(

  17. Apple has modified the Xcode 3.1.3 , so this trick does not work now.

    You have to use old Xcode and move the new SDK 3.0 to your old Xcode in order to build and test on device.

  18. Hallo

    How can i move the SDK 3 to old Xcode?
    Can you get me some short hints?
    I have no clue how to get this working.

  19. see my latest article

  20. hello everyone,

    i am using iphone sdk 2.2.1 to build and test my application on iphone ,i have registered with apple developer program. and i download provisioning profile and certificate from there , but still getting an error " unrecognized option --entitlement", i am not building app for distribution, its only for testing, please help if anyone have an idea about it....
