Sunday, December 20, 2020

Buid docker image for M1 Mac with development tools and vnc

(1) With the release of docker preview for Mac M1, it is now possible to build some arm64 images.
Docker M1 preview

(2) Install the above preview and then use terminal the tools. The build script is based on Android SDK docker image for x64 and modify it for arm64. Moreover, swift 5.3.1, clang 10.0.0, kotlin 1.4.21, gradle 6.7.1, gcc 9.3.0, java 11, firefox, visual studio code and codeblocks are added for development purpose.

(3) Shell script run in Mac docker info # check if docker is installed properly in Mac M1
mkdir -p ${HOME}/android_sdk_vnc
cd ${HOME}/android_sdk_vnc
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O

(4) Create the following Dockfile
Dockerfile    Select all
cat >Dockerfile <<'HEREEOF' # ====================================================================== # # Android SDK Docker Image # ====================================================================== # # Base image # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # FROM arm64v8/ubuntu:20.04 # install essential tools RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get dist-upgrade -y && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git wget wget2 zip unzip && \ apt-get install -y build-essential vim # install Android SDK RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y android-sdk && \ rm -f /usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/27.0.1 # install Android SDK cmdline tools ARG ANDROID_SDK_VERSION=6858069 ENV ANDROID_SDK_ROOT /usr/lib/android-sdk RUN wget2 -q${ANDROID_SDK_VERSION} && \ unzip commandlinetools*linux*${ANDROID_SDK_VERSION}*.zip && \ mv cmdline-tools tools && \ mkdir -p ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/cmdline-tools && \ mv tools ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/cmdline-tools/ && \ (cd /usr/lib/android-sdk/cmdline-tools; ln -s tools latest) && \ rm -f commandlinetools*linux*.zip # download and install Gradle ARG GRADLE_VERSION=6.7.1 ARG GRADLE_DIST=bin RUN wget2 -q${GRADLE_VERSION}-${GRADLE_DIST}.zip && \ rm -fr /usr/share/gradle && \ unzip gradle*.zip -d /usr/share && \ rm gradle*.zip && \ mv /usr/share/gradle-${GRADLE_VERSION} /usr/share/gradle # download and install Kotlin compiler ARG KOTLIN_VERSION=1.4.10 RUN wget2 -q${KOTLIN_VERSION}/kotlin-compiler-${KOTLIN_VERSION}.zip && \ unzip *kotlin*.zip && \ mv kotlinc /usr/share && \ rm *kotlin*.zip # install swift5 compiler RUN wget -qO- | bash RUN apt install -y swiftlang # setup adb server EXPOSE 5037 # set the environment variables ARG JDK_VERSION=1.11.0 ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-${JDK_VERSION}-openjdk-arm64 ENV GRADLE_HOME /usr/share/gradle ENV KOTLIN_HOME /usr/share/kotlinc ENV ANDROID_SDK_ROOT /usr/lib/android-sdk ENV ANDROID_HOME /usr/lib/android-sdk ENV ANDROID_TOOLS /usr/lib/android-sdk/tools ENV ANDROID_PLATFORMS /usr/lib/android-sdk/platforms ENV ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS /usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools ENV ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS /usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools ENV ANDROID_CMDLINE_TOOLS /usr/lib/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/tools ENV PATH ${PATH}:${GRADLE_HOME}/bin:${KOTLIN_HOME}/bin:${ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS}/debian:${ANDROID_TOOLS}/bin:${ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS}:${ANDROID_CMDLINE_TOOLS}/bin:${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/emulator # install system image and accept licence, installation of emulator will fail for arm64 system RUN yes Y | ${ANDROID_CMDLINE_TOOLS}/bin/sdkmanager --install "platform-tools" "system-images;android-24;google_apis;arm64-v8a" "platforms;android-24" "build-tools;30.0.3" && \ wget && \ chmod +x adb && mv adb /usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/ # install and configure SSH server EXPOSE 22 ADD sshd-banner /etc/ssh/ # ADD authorized_keys /tmp/ RUN apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openssh-server supervisor locales && \ mkdir -p /var/run/sshd /var/log/supervisord && \ locale-gen en en_US en_US.UTF-8 && \ apt-get remove -y locales && apt-get autoremove -y && \ FILE_SSHD_CONFIG="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" && \ echo "\nBanner /etc/ssh/sshd-banner" >> $FILE_SSHD_CONFIG && \ echo "\nPermitUserEnvironment=yes" >> $FILE_SSHD_CONFIG && \ ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa && \ FILE_SSH_ENV="/root/.ssh/environment" && \ touch $FILE_SSH_ENV && chmod 600 $FILE_SSH_ENV && \ printenv | grep "JAVA_HOME\|GRADLE_HOME\|KOTLIN_HOME\|ANDROID_SDK_ROOT\|LD_LIBRARY_PATH\|PATH" >> $FILE_SSH_ENV && \ echo "\nauth required envfile=$FILE_SSH_ENV" >> /etc/pam.d/sshd && \ FILE_AUTH_KEYS="/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" && \ touch $FILE_AUTH_KEYS && chmod 600 $FILE_AUTH_KEYS && \ for file in /tmp/*.pub; \ do if [ -f "$file" ]; then echo "\n" >> $FILE_AUTH_KEYS && cat $file >> $FILE_AUTH_KEYS && echo "\n" >> $FILE_AUTH_KEYS; fi; \ done && \ (rm /tmp/*.pub 2> /dev/null || true) # install and configure VNC server ENV USER root ENV DISPLAY :1 EXPOSE 5901 ADD /tmp/ ADD /usr/local/bin/ ADD supervisord_vncserver.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ RUN apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends xfce4 xfce4-goodies xfonts-base dbus-x11 tightvncserver expect && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends firefox codeblocks && \ chmod +x /tmp/; sync && \ /tmp/ && \ rm /tmp/ && \ apt-get remove -y expect && apt-get autoremove -y && \ FILE_SSH_ENV="/root/.ssh/environment" && \ echo "DISPLAY=:1" >> $FILE_SSH_ENV # install and patch Visual Studio Code RUN apt update && apt install -y libsecret-1-0 libxss1 libgbm1 && apt-get clean RUN wget -O code_arm64.deb && dpkg -i code_arm64.deb && rm code_arm64.deb RUN sed 's/BIG-REQUESTS/_IG-REQUESTS/' /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ | tee /usr/share/code/ > /dev/null ADD supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"] HEREEOF

(5) build the Dockfile
docker build -f Dockerfile -t arm64v8/android-sdk-vnc .

(6) Copy Mac host to authorized_keys and start the container
cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys .
cat ~/.ssh/ >> authorized_keys

# To start the container as daemon
docker run -d --name android-sdk-vnc -p 5901:5901 -p 2222:22 -p 5037:5037 \
-v $(pwd)/authorized_keys:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys arm64v8/android-sdk-vnc

# To connect the container via ssh
ssh root@<IP address of your Mac M1> -p 2222

# To stop the container
docker container stop android-sdk-vnc

(7) To connect to the vnc of the docker image after starting the container
Use the Mac Finder "Go" -> "Connect To Server" and enter "vnc://"
For other machines in the network enter "vnc://<IP address of your Mac M1>:5901"

The passwords are in the when building which are

(8) There is a common problem if you are connecting remotely using Mac Terminal, so the solution is to not forward your locale. Edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config and comment out SendEnv LANG LC_* line.

(9) Testing swift
# attach to the running container
docker exec -it android-sdk-vnc bash
# test
mkdir -p ${HOME}/Projects
cd ${HOME}/Projects
git clone
cd example-package-dealer
swift run Dealer

If you need port forwarding on macOS, see this article

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