Sunday, June 17, 2018

How to install turicreate on macOS 10.14 beta

Install turicreate on macOS 10.14 beta 1
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# upgrade pip # curl | sudo python curl | python # install packages sudo pip install requests==2.18.4 turicreate==5.0b1

(1) Test turicreate example - Image Classifier
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mkdir -p $HOME/MLClassifier cd $HOME/MLClassifier # download dataset and cleanup curl -L -o unzip rm -fr __MACOSX; rm dataset/.DS_Store dataset/*/.DS_Store # create python script cat > << 'EOF' import turicreate as turi # load images from dataset folder url = "dataset/" data = turi.image_analysis.load_images(url) # define image categories data["foodType"] = data["path"].apply(lambda path: "Rice" if "rice" in path else "Soup") # create sframe"rice_or_soup.sframe") # preview dataset data.explore() # load sframe dataBuffer = turi.SFrame("rice_or_soup.sframe") # create training data using 90% of dataset trainingBuffers, testingBuffers = dataBuffer.random_split(0.9) # create model model = turi.image_classifier.create(trainingBuffers, target="foodType", model="squeezenet_v1.1", max_iterations=100) # Alternate model use ResNet-50 # model = turi.image_classifier.create(trainingBuffers, target="foodType", model="resnet-50") # evaluate model evaluations = model.evaluate(testingBuffers) print evaluations["accuracy"] # save model"rice_or_soup.model") model.export_coreml("RiceSoupClassifier.mlmodel") EOF #run script python

(2) Test turicreate example - Logistic Regression
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mkdir -p $HOME/LGClassifier cd $HOME/LGClassifier # create python script cat > << 'EOF' import turicreate as turi data = turi.SFrame('') data['is_good'] = data['stars'] >= 3 # create sframe"yelp.sframe") # preview dataset # load sframe dataBuffer = turi.SFrame("yelp.sframe") # create training data using 80% of dataset train_data, test_data = dataBuffer.random_split(0.8) # create model model=turi.logistic_classifier.create(train_data, target='is_good', features = ['user_avg_stars', 'business_avg_stars', 'user_review_count', 'business_review_count', 'city', 'categories_dict'], max_iterations=200) print model # save predictions predictions = model.classify(test_data) print predictions # evaluate model evaluations = model.evaluate(test_data) print "Accuracy : %s" % evaluations["accuracy"] print "Confusion Matrix : \n%s" % evaluations["confusion_matrix"] EOF #run script python

(3) Some data manipulation tips when preparing training data
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# remove the quotes (replace the number with the quotes with the number without them) in csv file, typically "save as CSV" from excel file. # for example, "222,267.87","455,365.44",... convert to 222267.87,455365.44,... #In shell script cat exceldata.csv | perl -p -e 's/,(?=[\d,.]*\d")//g and s/"(\d[\d,.]*)"/\1/g' > dataset.csv # use map, lambda and zip functions when convert and compute numeric data from 2 data columns #In python script import math data['rate'] = map(lambda (x,y): 0 if x is None or y is None else (0 if math.isnan(x) or math.isnan(y) or math.isinf(y) or x==0 else (999999 if math.isinf(x) or y==0 else 999999 if x/y > 999999 else x/y)) , zip(data['OS'], data['Total Amount'])) # replace training data when values are inf(infinity) or nan(Not A Number) in 'amount' column #In python script import math train_data['amount'] = train_data['amount'].apply(lambda x: 0 if math.isnan(x) else x) train_data['amount'] = train_data['amount'].apply(lambda x: 999 if math.isinf(x) else x) # or use nested if else #In python script import math train_data['amount'] = train_data['amount'].apply(lambda x: 0 if math.isnan(x) else (999 if math.isinf(x) else x )) print train_data['amount'].summary() # remove rows in training data with inf(infinity) or nan(Not A Number) values in 'amount' column #In python script import math train_data = train_data[train_data['amount'].apply(lambda x: 0 if math.isinf(x) or math.isnan(x) else 1)] # SFrame methods but beware, some of the methods are not working # Other SFrame data manipulation examples

(4) Some data examination tips
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# summary print train_data['amount'].summary() # crosstab import pandas as pd pd.crosstab(data["Rating"], data["is_bad"], margins=True) # custom frequency count for 'amount' column import pandas as pd pd.crosstab(train_data['amount'].apply(lambda x: " 0-10" if x <=10 else ("10-20" if x <=20 else ("20-30" if x <=30 else ("30-40" if x <=30 else ("40-50" if x <=50 else ">50"))))), "Count")

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