Thursday, September 18, 2008

[Firmware 2.1] How to skip provisioning profile for iPhone SDK

How to skip provisioning profile for iPhone SDK (build 9M2517) for firmware 2.1

First close your Xcode and backup the iPhoneOS.platform Info.plist by running this in Mac Terminal

sudo cp -p /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Info.plist /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Info.plist.bak

Then edit the iPhoneOS.platform Info.plist file

sudo vi /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Info.plist

and change


to this


Launch Xcode and then create new project using my Xcode Template for pwned device "View-Based Application" to build and go to either Project Settings 2.0 or Project Settings 2.1 or iPhone Simulator and you don't need the trick to reset it anymore.

Remember, you still need a fake codesign identity and patched MobileInstallation binary in your iPhone.

If you are registered iPhone Developer with provisioning profile and codesign cert from Apple, please remember to revert the PhoneOS.platform Info.plist back to the original one before building your project to App Store.

Updated Notes
If you have "security policy error" after Build & Go. Do these steps

(1) Install a new free app from App Store in iPhone (not sync from iTunes)
(2) Launch that newly purchased free app and then close it.
(3) Reboot your iPhone (that is power off and on again)
(4) Launch the app again that you have Build & Go in Xcode to iPhone.

Please also refer to the latest article for SDK2.2.1


  1. During deployment on device I get the following error:

    Your mobile device has encountered an unexpected error (0xE800003A) during the install phase: Verifying application

    What did I miss ?

  2. Remember, you still need a patched MobileInstallation binary in your iPhone. And reboot the iPhone after patch

  3. Hi,

    I try it, and I allways get the same error:
    Codesing error:no certificate phone

  4. Hi,

    I didn't created a self-signed certificate.

    Now I have the applicacion installed, but I get another error: Error launching remote program: security policy error.

    How can I solve this?

    thanks for your help!

  5. you need to amend Info.plist in your project. Or use my Xcode template 3.5.2 to create new project. Please search this blog.

  6. Thanks. Can I share this application with a my friend ? or can I upload to cydia ? and how ?

  7. how do you amend the Info.plist?
